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Completion of information and discussion meetings in the Issyk-Kul region

Today there is an informational and discussion meeting with participants from Yrdyk village.

The meeting serves as a platform to discuss issues in the religious sphere: the role of secularism, religious freedom rights and their gender aspects, the promotion of tolerance and interreligious dialogue in local communities, and much more

The speakers are specialists and experts in law, gender and education, as well as a representative of the State Commission on religious affairs.

Participants are religious leaders, civic activists, women and girls, local government officials, and others

Organized by the Center for Studies of Religion in conjunction with NCP Search for Common Ground

Yesterday the meeting was held in Cholpon-Ata and tomorrow it is planned to hold the meeting in Ak-Terek village.


Information and discussion meetings in all regions of Kyrgyzstan are held by the Research Center for Religious Studies in cooperation with the NCP "Search for Common Interests".

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